FORS will speak to delegates at the upcoming CLOCS conference to explore how accreditation to FORS can help fleet operators towards CLOCS compliance.
The conference, taking place on 21 March 2018 in Birmingham, will bring together regulators, planners, construction managers and operators to discuss how to embed a culture of responsibility beyond sites.
Whilst CLOCS (Construction Logistics and Community Safety) is designed to help work sites manage road safety throughout the supply chain, FORS (the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme) is aimed specifically at operators.
The two demonstrate a unilateral approach to safety, ultimately aiming to save lives by reducing work related road risks. FORS presence at the conference will shine a light on how the two organisations work together, focusing on how FORS accreditation helps operators demonstrate CLOCS compliance to procurers.
FORS Head of Quality Assurance and Compliance, Graham Holder, who will be delivering the presentation said: “While most fleet operators know that compliance demonstrates a commitment to driving operational standards in safety and efficiency, we are helping members to fully understand what is required of them to be CLOCS compliant.”
The CLOCS Annual Conference is being organised by SECBE. Derek Rees, CLOCS Project Director and Chief Executive at SECBE said: “Last year, across the UK, nearly 500 people were killed or seriously injured through collisions with HGVs and many of those vehicles were related to construction. We have to do more to protect vulnerable road users from operations associated with construction. This is where FORS and CLOCS can make a fundamental change.”
FORS will also be exhibiting at the conference so that delegates can discuss FORS membership with the team. Further details including headline sponsors, conference speakers, theme of the day can be found here.